Our Lord is Always There

When your day is dark and dreary,

You see no light, anywhere.

Beyond the clouds the sun is shining,

For it always shines somewhere.

Just because you cannot see it,

Doesn’t mean it isn’t there.


Beyond the clouds our God is working,

Giving strength that we may bear

The griefs and sorrows that beset us,

Giving grace through all our care.

Just because you cannot see Him

Doesn’t mean He isn’t there.


When your life is filled with heartache,

Each day brings a load of care

And no one else can lift your burden,

Christ will all your sorrow share.

He will work together with us,

Helping all our load to bear.


Take your troubles all to Jesus.

He’s as near as whispered prayer.

Just because you cannot see him,

Doesn’t mean he isn’t there.

Hasten to his place of safety.

He is waiting for you there.


By G. Cowan


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