Our congregation is so blessed to have a wonderful young man serving as an intern with our youth minister this summer. He is one of our own, so that makes us especially glad to have him with us.

On Sunday evening, a few weeks ago, this young man stood before our congregation and delivered a powerful message on the young man Absalom.

I had just finished reading the entire story of Absalom and his relationship with his father, King David. I was especially interested in what our young intern would suggest we might learn from this story.

He suggested that pride was Absalom’s downfall. Absalom grew up with the example of his father’s failure to deal with Amnon for his sin against Tamar. Failure to punish Amnon led to Absalom being filled with hatred and his taking things into his own hands.

Absalom thought he deserved special attention. Because he was the oldest, he felt entitled to the throne, stole the hearts of the people, and allowed them to declare him king.

In the end, Absalom isolated himself from his father. He

showed deliberate disrespect to King David, took the word of the wrong person; and he was killed by men who should have been his friends, not his enemies.

I watched this young man who stood before us and remembered him about ten years ago as he sat in my Bible class. He was always courteous, inquisitive, and humble. He was smart, but he never let that control him.

When service was over, I stood in line to congratulate our speaker. I watched as he shook hands with the members, two other of his former teachers waiting with me. When it was my turn, I told him how powerful his message was and how much I appreciate the fine young man he has become. His answer was as powerful as his sermon. He said, “I had great teachers”.

The young man Absalom was a failure, a disappointment to his father. He gave credit to no one. His good looks, the desire of his heart and his position ruled his life.

Our young intern is a handsome young man, smart, with many abilities. I predict that his life will reflect his teaching from Godly parents, sound teachers at home and at school, and a devotion to a God whom he loves and serves.

Sandra Oliver

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