So Many Little Distractions

Mark 4:19 “These are the ones who hear the Word, but the worries of this life, the false appeal of wealth, and the desire for more things break in and choke the word, and it bears no fruit.”

The arena hosting the conference filled with participants all anxious to hear the highly acclaimed keynote speaker and be filled with spiritual encouragement. I arrived early, prepared with my Bible, a large notepad, my favorite pen, and even a snack in case I got hungry. I settled in, excited for this opportunity. But as the speaker took the stage, I realized I needed Chapstick.

I rummaged in my bag, but no sign of it in the front or back pockets, nor main compartment. Not in my jacket either. By this point, everyone around me was spellbound and intent in notetaking. Not me. I was searching for Chapstick. I fought the urge to shout out, “Wait a moment. I can’t hear you. My lips are chapped!” Suddenly, what had been so paramount took second place. It was all about my lips!

Oh, the weakness of the human spirit. It takes so very little to distract us from what is truly important. I suspect we all have something (perhaps not chapped lips) that draws our attention away from God. Mark 4:19 lists these diversions as the worries of life, the glitter of wealth, and the quest for material possessions. Each prevents us from rooting our hearts in the Word and becoming godly fruit-bearers.

Many worldly concerns separate us from God’s desire for our lives. In the pursuit of a promotion at work, do we close the door to God’s spirit living within us? As we rush from ballfield to drive-thru dinner, from overseeing homework to bedtime tucking, do we fail to incorporate the goodness of God into discussions with our children? In our local congregations, are we content to be pew-sitters, turning down involvement opportunities because they would detract from our weekly activities? It seems the gospel writer, Mark, was right on point with the ease of smaller things distracting us from those of eternal importance.

In case you are wondering, no, I never located my Chapstick that day. My focus was diverted from what was most important. But if I can find anything positive in my unfortunate example, it is that I am forever grateful the clothing tag in the neckline of the woman sitting in front of me was not sticking up from the back of her shirt. Had it been, I simply would not have heard a single word!

Father God, help us to realize our worldly pursuits are secondary to our pursuit of Your Spirit.


Rita Cochrane

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