Finding Our Can-Do Attitude

Philippians 4:13 NKJV “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” 

The gifts are unwrapped. The recycle bin overflows. And on the floor lies a curling ribbon trail from the Christmas tree to the trash cans outside. So, what next? New Year’s, of course. Time to belt out “Auld Lang Syne,” iron out our resolutions, swallow a few black-eyed-peas, and welcome in hope for wonderful things ahead.

As you look for the coming year, consider a nine-year-old girl from Farragut, Tennessee named Leilani. This small powerhouse loved politics and discovered a loophole in the age restrictions for local candidates. So, without hesitation (and with resounding confidence, I might add) she ran for public office.

Little Leilani spent the summer campaigning door-to-door and confidently announced her platform as “dinosaurs and gardens.” She proposed putting dinosaurs, along with gardens, in all the town parks, because Leilani surmised, “What kid doesn’t love dinosaurs?” Leilani’s excitement was contagious as she carried out her lemonade and cookie campaign. Although the child lost to a more qualified candidate, she gained national notoriety for her optimism.

Jesus cherished the unwavering faith, optimism, and can-do attitude of children. But sadly, these qualities were often lacking in His own disciples. I wonder, does He see those traits in us?

What if we approached our faith-walk like Leilani approached her campaign? How rapidly might the Kingdom grow if we, as Christians, were eager to speak of our faith? What if we were so excited to share the Good News that it spread through our church family and community to pack our pews on Sunday? Suppose we made every effort to be present in Bible class and worship each time the doors opened? Would our children, spouse, and friends witness incredible joy in our lives?

As we launch a year of new beginnings, let us rediscover the enthusiasm of our childhood. Let us resolve to step out of our comfort zone with that Leilani-can-do attitude and attempt new ways to grow the kingdom of God. Let us live each moment through the filter of Philippians 4:13, confident that through Christ, we can make this New Year the best one yet.

Father God, may we enter this new year with a renewed spirit of faith, optimism, and positive thinking.

Blessings for the New Year,

Rita Cochrane

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