52 Reasons to Love the Church:

1. Because Jesus Does

Hiram Kemp preached a sermon yesterday entitled, “Ways to Glorify God in 2024.” One of the main points was “Love the Local Church.” I appreciated so much his emphasis on recognizing our need for each other. (You can listen here, starting at 1:32:08.) It also gave me an idea. A few years ago I spent a year sharing “52 Ways to Grow Closer to Christ.” I’d like to do that again, only this time focusing on His church. Surely our relationship with Christ deepens when we grow our love for the people He died for.

Reason #1 to love the church: Because Jesus does.

A quick read of Ephesians 5:25-32 leaves no doubt about how Christ feels about the church. In this one short paragraph we learn that He:

  • “loved the church” (v. 25)
  • “gave Himself up for her” (v. 25)
  • “sanctifies her” (v. 26)
  • “cleanses her” (v. 26)
  • “presents the church to Himself in splendor” so she can be “holy and without blemish” (v. 27)
  • “nourishes and cherishes” the church (v. 29)

Why? “Because we are members of His body” (v. 30).

I want to love what Jesus loves, and He loves the church. His agape love for her motivated His feelings about her, His estimation of her, and His actions toward her. He sacrificed Himself for her because He wants what’s best for her.

As we begin a brand new year wearing the name of Christ, let’s love the church as He does. Not in some broad, nebulous way, but in a very personal, specific way. How can we love our own church families more? What are some selfish interests we need to put aside so we can serve sacrificially? How can we prove by our words and deeds that we want what’s best for the church? When we prioritize Christ by showing this kind of love for His church, the world will take notice.

By Kathy Pollard

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