The Blessing from Behind the Mirror

Psalm 32:4b “. . .my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer.”

We were packed and ready to depart but being in momma mode, I took one more sweep of our hotel room to assure we had left nothing behind. It was in that last moment, I spied something. It was so subtle I almost overlooked it. But peeking out from behind the mirror on the wall was the corner of a piece of paper. Out of curiosity (of which I have an abundance), I pulled it out to discover a folded-up note. There, written in unmistakable middle-school font was the following message:

    “Have a Great Day! Don’t let your day be shriveled up like a raisin.”

This out-of-the-blue blessing made me smile. Although I knew I had never read this exact blessing in scripture, I found it quite profound in a very simplistic sort of way. I felt scripture would support such an odd blessing, so I began a scavenger hunt and landed in Psalm 32. In this psalm, David’s sin lingered ever before him and separated him from God. This great divide dried up David’s soul like a desert. I guess you could say, like a shriveled-up raisin and leaving David desperately seeking the refreshing waters of forgiveness.

The truth of the matter is that my sin too separates me from God, leaving my soul depleted. But laying transgressions down at the cross of Jesus offers the life-giving water of forgiveness. So, when sin drains our lives, friend, take heart. Our Heavenly Father’s sweet redemption breathes new life into us. So, allow me to pass on to you my unexpected behind-the -mirror blessing:

                “Have a Great Day! Don’t let your day be shriveled up like a raisin.”

Father God, may we always seek you for the refreshment of our souls.


Rita Cochrane

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