
Genesis 3:6-7 “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.”

Years ago, my husband chose to take me deer hunting. Truly, I married an intelligent man, but this was a definite lapse in his judgement. However, I donned leaves of brown and green, put my hair in a ponytail, and headed off with him into the woods.

After much ado, I sat high in a tree-stand, covered in camouflage, and alone in my thoughts, because heaven forbid, I speak a word and alert the deer!

Perched there in boredom, my thoughts turned to camouflage, and I realized leaves of brown and green were the first fashion statement on earth invented by the first people on earth. Do you remember what Adam and Eve did following their sin in the garden? They donned themselves in camo attempting to blend in with their surroundings, attempting to hide from God, and attempting to become invisible to their Maker. What a fashion disaster it was!

Then, my mind wandered forward.

Do we sometimes fall into the same fashion fail as Adam and Eve? Do we attempt to blend in with our surroundings by linking so closely to society our faith becomes invisible? When friends, neighbors, or co-workers find their passion in the pleasures of the day, do we hide our faith so we too can partake?  Do we work to conceal our fears, our failures, and our sins from God so He cannot see them?

Adam and Eve hoped their camo would hide them and their sin from the Father. But they overlooked His deity, His power, and His intimate knowledge of His beloved creation. Nothing can be hidden from a Father who numbers the hairs on our head and calls each star by name. Our God clearly sees our hopes, our dreams, our shortcomings, and our sins.

I will assume camo does not make you invisible to deer, since we were unsuccessful in the woods that day. So, Sisters, as we choose our attire today, take a pass on camouflage. Our Father sees the real us and loves us anyway. Because of Him, let us be visible to the world, shining brightly a love that is rich, a care for others that is strong, and an intense passion for all that is good.

Father God, may we never attempt to hide our hearts from your love.


Rita Cochrane

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