No Words

Romans 8:11a & 26 “The spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you. . . Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”

Our family vacation at the Mexican resort had been years in the making but the sun, the sand, and the salsa proved it worth the wait. Our only complaint lay in the fact that none of us spoke fluent Spanish. “Hola,” “gracias,” and “bano” (the word for bathroom), comprised most of our vocabulary.

Living with five in an exceedingly small resort suite manifested both blessings and frustrations. Out of the blue, our two teen sons became obsessed with cleanliness (a desire driven by the teen girls around the pool), and our supply of soap quickly depleted. So, I cleared the cobwebs from my brain, retrieved the Spanish word I recalled for “soap,” and found the housekeeper. Utilizing my best charade skills for “washing,” coupled with my rusty Spanish for the word “soap,” I made my request. However, the only thing I received was a look of confusion. Then a gentleman, fluent in the language, approached and spoke to the woman, who immediately handed me soap. The man politely informed me I had asked for “bathroom ham.” (In my defense, the Spanish words for “soap” and “ham” are quite similar.)

Our family enjoyed great laughter at my expense and that bar of soap is immortalized to this day. But on a positive note, since that encounter, I have realized more fully the Holy Spirit’s role of interceding for us in prayer. Just as someone stepped into my conversation and made clear my desire for soap, today when I lack words for my Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit steps into my prayers and makes clear my petitions.

Have you ever wondered how the Holy Spirit is so proficient in interceding for you? Well remember, He knows you intimately because He lives with you. If I consider what human knows me best, it would be my husband. Why? Because he lives with me. He sees all my quirks. He knows I fear being cold, drink my coffee boiling hot, and procrastinate laundry till the cows come home naked. Who knows you better than the one who lives with you?

So, when your heart is breaking and you struggle to form a sentence, the Holy Spirit will speak your truth to the Father. When fear paralyzes you, the Holy Spirit will relay strong words to God. And when all seems hopeless, the Holy Spirit will turn your stuttering into powerful petitions before the Great I AM.

Father God, we praise your for providing us an advocate.


Rita Cochrane

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