Advice is Like a Box of Chocolates

II Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Isn’t it comforting when you desperately need advice, and you find just the right person with just the right wisdom at just the right time to help you? Still, I venture to guess that at some point, you have encountered the wrong person with the wrong advice at the worst time possible, intensifying your problem. Forrest Gump might say, “Advice is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” 

So, in the quest for good advice, where might one go? Well, older people are known to have great wisdom, but their advice can sometimes be a bit unorthodox. I recall as a child having older and wiser persons catch me outside playing with wet hair and warn me that I would catch my death of cold. Had this proved true, I would be dead many times over.

Then, what about the advice of a child? Children are a wealth of unsolicited advice, such as, “Never let your mother comb your hair when she is mad.” Got to admit the advice is spot-on, but is it the advice you seek?

Advice comes in many forms, in many ways, and from many well-intentioned people and places. But if advice is going to be useful, it must be applicable to our lives and saturated in wisdom. So where might one find wise advice? Right where wisdom originated: in the Word of God.

So. . . .

When grief fills your soul, seek the wisdom of Psalm 34:18.

When envy and jealousy creep in, pray for the love found in 1 Corinthians 13.

Deuteronomy 31:6 – 8 offers the wisdom to battle loneliness.

Read Psalm 34:17 to help you navigate the flood of depression.

When your life spins out of control and your soul cries out for patience, read Colossians 1:11-13.

When you seek to praise and worship our gracious Father, read Psalm 100.

God’s wisdom is never risky. God’s wisdom is always relevant. God’s wisdom is forever true. So, open God’s book of wisdom and pick any piece you want. Unlike that box of chocolates, God’s advice never disappoints. You always know just what you are gonna get.

Father God, help us seek true wisdom from you, knowing you are the author of all that is true and wise.


Rita Cochrane

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