Drawing Boundary Lines

Psalm 25:4 “Show me Your ways, Lord, teach me Your paths.”

An early morning glance at my to-do list sent me reeling. As expected, I rushed from errand, to meeting, to event with no time for changing clothes between stops. Hence, I arrived vainly overdressed for one event but embarrassingly underdressed for the next. Ultimately, panic set in as the fuel gauge sank low on my dashboard. I feared being stranded by the side of the road without snacks. (Side note: Truly this can happen, but I will save that story for another day.)

Making it home safely, I stood before a sink overflowing with dirty dishes, too exhausted to care, and realized I had a problem: I needed boundaries in my life. I was constantly overusing the word, “yes” and consistently overlooking the phrase, “Thank you for thinking of me, maybe next time.”

I fell into bed aware my Heavenly Father had lovingly cared for me through every chaotic step of the day. And as my eyes closed in rest, my heart could utter but a few words: “Lord, may Your boundaries become my boundaries.”

Yes, my life needed boundaries, not that my day was filled with evil, but with an overabundance of what I considered good and necessary.

I thought about a world map. Encompassing each country, lines are drawn to indicate a country’s boundary. Boundary lines determine the identities of the people, dictate the laws of the land, and assign unique cultures, languages, and governments to those people living within them. If one chooses to step outside the boundary of their country, all the rights and privileges associated with that country cease. Oh, how similar this is to boundaries drawn by God.

I had run through my hectic day without realizing I had run beyond God’s boundary lines and was no longer eligible for the rewards found within them. How many blessings had I overlooked in my haste that distanced me from Him? Had God prepared for me opportunities to bring Him glory that went unnoticed because I quickly sprinted outside His plan for me? Did I fail to speak words of encouragement because I was constantly looking at my watch and agonizing the fleeting time? Was my day so full of the good, the fun, and the productive that I totally overlooked His renewing promise of, “Be still and know that I am God?”

Friend, take a deep breath as you pour over today’s list. Pray for God to draw the lines determining your identity, your standards, and your ideals. Seek to live within His boundaries so that you may relish in the goodness He has prepared for you today.

Father God, may Your boundaries be our boundaries. May we crave “Be still and know” time with You.


Rita Cochrane


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