52 Reasons to Love the Church #25- Wholeheartednes

I just spent a week at Big Reedy Christian camp and, as you might imagine, experienced many things that could’ve inspired this week’s reason to love the church. There was lots of beautiful singing, kids bonding, Bible learning, hands helping, and good, clean fun. But a statement made in the kitchen has stuck with me the most. On the last morning, Dana Simpson was making her famous homemade cinnamon rolls (for the entire camp!) and I was helping her roll out the dough. When it came time to spread brown sugar and cinnamon over the dough, I asked, “About how much do you use?” She replied, “Just measure with your heart.”

When it comes to our Christian walk, following our hearts can be a dangerous thing, as the heart can be “deceitful above all things” (Jer. 17:9). Living by what seems right to us can “lead to death” (Prov. 14:12). But Dana’s answer made me smile, and not just because she gave me permission to sprinkle brown sugar with wild abandon! All week long I’d watched her live out that very concept. Campers and adults alike came to her with their questions. They wanted her advice or suggestions, and it didn’t matter if it was kitchen stuff, or camp stuff, or life stuff.

I learned a lot from Dana myself as I watched her interact with everyone all week long. I believe that people are drawn to her for more than just her experience and knowledge. They know she really cares. How does she know when a counselor needs a pick-me-up by way of an extra biscuit? How does she know how much of an attaboy to give a camper who’s still causing problems but whose growth is evident? How does she know when a more stern reply is in order? She measures with her heart. And she can do that because her heart is engaged. She pays attention. She sees a need and meets it, but in a way that seems just for that person specifically.

Obviously the secret to Dana’s famous cinnamon rolls is the fact that she measures with her heart. And anyone who knows her knows she uses the same principle with people.

The church is filled with people like Dana who live and love wholeheartedly! Who do you know who doles out whatever is needed with their heart?

“Love one another deeply, from the heart.”

(1 Peter 1:22)

Dana and her famous cinnamon rolls!
By Kathy Pollard

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