The Chapters of Our Lives

Are you familiar with something called a Chapter 11? If so, did a chill just run down your spine? Chapter 11 is the result of financial ruin and requires declaring bankruptcy. But following the devastation of a Chapter 11, a fresh, new start is possible when all priorities are reorganized and restructured.

Did you know that King David, a scriptural hero, experienced a chapter 11 disaster? His life lay in ruin – just not in the financial sense. But, in II Samuel 11, King David found himself spiritually bankrupt by his sins of pride, lust, adultery, and murder. (Yikes, these are a serious list by anyone’s standard.) David had tumbled so deeply it took a “come-to-Jesus” meeting with Nathan before he recognized his sin. Then, like with financial bankruptcy, David began the painful process of restructuring and reorganizing his faith priorities.

As king, David could have swept the entire adultery/murder fiasco under his Persian rug. But as David’s life lay in ruin, he cried out to God for cleansing. Then, David did what he did so well: He wrote of his sin and redemption for all to read. His painful journey is publicly recorded in Psalm 51. Here is the short of it:

(Psalm 51:3-4) David ADMITTED his sin. “I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.”

(Psalm 51: 10) David SUBMITTTED his heart back to God. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

(Psalm 51:13) David COMMITTED to using his tragedy to help others. “Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall be converted to You.”

Our lives will contain a broken chapter 11 somewhere along our journey. Our sinful pride will bring seasons of hardship, trials, and faith-weakness. But, friend, take heart. David’s legacy was not defined by one unfortunate chapter. Following the disaster of chapter 11, David found the Father’s sweet redemption in chapter 12. When we admit our sin, submit our hearts back to God, and commit ourselves to saving others, our priorities will be restructured and reorganized, and God’s precious grace and redemption will reclaim us as His own.

Father God, O what love you show us through Your redemption! Thank you!

Blessings of sweet redemption,

Rita Cochrane

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