A Matter of Life and Death

“We … do not cease to pray and make request for you, that ye may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding” (Colossians 1:9, ASV).

Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming. It was not in wide usage until the 1940’s because it took scientists many years to test it and learn how to mass produce it. Before penicillin was part of our world view, millions of people died from diseases and infectious diseases that could have been cured.

What is world view? Each person’s world view is the knowledge he has that affects how he lives and his attitudes toward life. For Christians, a knowledge of God and His Son Jesus Christ is part of our world view. We base our thoughts and actions on this knowledge.

But what if we had never heard of God and Jesus? What if we had heard about them, but we didn’t know anything about them, so they were not part of our world view? What would be the result? We could be lost eternally. Our knowledge or lack of knowledge would be a matter of life and death.

The knowledge of God and Jesus can be a matter of eternal life or eternal death for millions in the world who do not know. As Satan works to spread false knowledge against our God, it is imperative that we counterattack. What can we do?

Preach the Word to families, friends, and neighbors. Be a missionary in your realm of influence by what you say and do. Pray that God will give our Bible school teachers, preachers, youth ministers, and those in churches strength and wisdom to teach what is right. Write a note of encouragement to them and to missionaries. Give of your time, possessions, and goods to help them. Your influence and your help may be a matter of life or death to them and to those who are lost.

Hymn: “Rescue the Perishing”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we may not be able to go to a far-away land to teach Your Word. Help us to be a missionary where we are and to help those who go. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Donna Wittlif, Denver, Colorado






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