Amazing change

So he said, “Who are you, Lord?” He replied, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting! Acts 9.5

Saul was zealous. He had agreed to the stoning of Stephen. He continued to threaten to kill the Lord’s disciples. He traveled to Damascus with permission from the high priest to bring anyone that he found to be a disciple of Jesus back to Jerusalem in chains. His reputation preceded him.

But something happened on that road that brought him to a complete halt for three days. He met Jesus. Blinded by the light that appeared, he had to be led into Damascus to await instructions on what action he needed to take. For three days, he could not see, nor did he eat or drink anything. He prayed.

Ananias was sent to Saul to tell him what he needed to do. Saul obeyed and immediately began to proclaim Jesus as the Son of God in the synagogues. All who heard him were amazed at the change in him. He became more and more capable causing bewilderment among the Jews living in Damascus.

Saul’s meeting with Jesus turned his life completely around. The same can happen today when a person is brought face to face with the Son of God through the word. The change can be amazing!

Vicki Matheny

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