Another Fruit of the Spirit (kindness)


Fruit of the Spirit looks like kindness.

God’s kindness:

  • Declares us not guilty (Rom. 3:24)
  • Is abundant (Rom 5:20)
  • Results in eternal life (Rom. 5:21)
  • Is free and undeserved (Rom. 11:6)

That is the kindness we are called to show. This kindness isn’t just good manners or being polite.

Our kindness

  • Proves us (2 Cor 6:6)
  • Is shown gladly (Rom. 12:8)
  • Refreshes God’s people (Phlm 1:7)

Kindness is demonstrated when we come through for each other. Paul’s thank you letter said:

Even so, you have done well to share with me in my present difficulty. As you know, you Philippians were the only ones who gave me financial help when I first brought you the Good News and then traveled on from Macedonia. No other church did this. Even when I was in Thessalonica you sent help more than once. I don’t say this because I want a gift from you. Rather, I want you to receive a reward for your kindness.

At the moment I have all I need—and more! I am generously supplied with the gifts you sent me with Epaphroditus. They are a sweet smelling sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to God. And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:14-19).

I could write a similar letter to my church as Paul to the Philippian church.

You have shared my faith. You have shared with me in my labors for God. You shared in my grief. You shared all you are to support me and carry me through the hardest season of my life. I don’t say this because I want you to give me more. I say it because I want you to receive a reward for your kindness.

You came into my sorrow and sat with me. You cared for my children. You provided meals. You did my laundry. You cried with me, prayed with me and praised with me. You are a sweet smelling sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to God. This same God who always takes care of me will give you every need through his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

That kindness is fruit of the Spirit.

Serena DeGarmo


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