April Showers Bring May Flowers

There is an old saying “April Showers bring May flowers.”

The month of April in most places is traditionally very rainy but that water leads to blooming flowers in May.

The showers can be our many burdens of life. Though it doesn’t seem like it at the time, adversity can lead to good. Everyone goes through bad times in life. Matthew 5:45 states that God maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust.

The blooming flowers of May can be our blessings of life. Something that is blooming is flourishing. It is in a healthy condition of greatest beauty to thrive.

Flowers are pretty, they smell sweet, and they are reminiscent of love, joy and happiness. Spiritual blessings can provide those feelings as well.

READ Romans 5:1-5

There is debate about when this saying “April showers bring May flowers” originated. Some sources say the 1500s and others say around 1886. There was also another phrase coupled with it over time. The saying was actually: “March winds bring April showers and April showers bring May flowers.”

Sometimes our storms and burdens of life are even greater and may last a long time. March winds of life can toss our boats/rock our ships. When the winds beat against our house it makes us feel the house will fall but there is hope in Christ.

READ Matthew 11:28-30

Our periods of discomfort can lead to joy and happiness.

There is something truly special about water. The water and blood that outpoured from Jesus as he was on the cross continually cleanses us. The water in which we are to be baptized in to become Christians helps save us. The water showers of rain and burdens in life teach us, mold us, and strengthen us.

Ecclesisastes 3:1-8. There is a time for everything; good and bad.

Quotes: Every dark cloud has a silver lining, everything happens for a reason, every storm runs out of rain just like every dark night will turn to day all remind us of the ups and downs of life.

Patience can help us get through the stormy times. James 1:1-4

Just as the earth goes through a cycle of renewal every spring so should we. READ Romans 12: 2.

READ Hebrews 6:6.

Storm clouds may rise, strong winds may blow but I’ll tell the world wherever I go that I’ve found a savior and he’s sweet I know! March winds bring April showers and April showers bring May flowers. The showers and storms we endure are minimal compared to the beautiful flowers in heaven.

By Britney Dent



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