Beginning a new year

As we start another year, why not place Bible study at the head of your resolutions list and make time to read and study His Word.  We all get very busy on a day to day basis.  Jobs to go to, meetings to attend, school, after school sports and games, shopping, eating out, appointments with dentists and doctors and a myriad of other things on our never ending to do list, and though we intend to study His Word more, unless it is a priority, we put it off, and then another year comes and goes and we never found the time, or made the time.  We tend to make time for those things which are important to us.

I remember my husband getting up an hour earlier to drink his coffee and study God’s Word.  He loved teaching the book of Jeremiah and spoke often of his class and how much he enjoyed teaching this specific book from God’s Word.  Christianity changed him.  Before he would never have done that, but after his conversion, the study of God’s Word was precious to him.  Strange the things you remember, but I remember well his sitting at the dining table with his coffee and reading His Word before the start of the day.

One other important note. Reading God’s Word before the start of the day tends to calm us before the round of activities of the day.  Many wonder why I arise so early, and this is the reason.  I listen to a sermon while readying for work, comment on what I learned, and before I head out the door, I pray.  It starts my day off right and keeps my mind centered on Him, and at least for me, calms me before anything which I may face during the day.  Life throws its curves at us, but God will steady us during those times of trials which affect us all.

I pray you will will make the time as well..  You won’t regret feeding your soul, and the blessings that comes with it.

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.”      II Timothy 2:15

“Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee.”      (Psalms 119:11)

“My son, forget not My law; but let thine heart keep My commandments:  For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.”      Proverbs 3:1-2

“The psalmist awoke early to better look after his spiritual duties and privileges.  By rising early he started the day aright.  He shortened his sleep for the sake of praise and prayer.

We also have Jesus as an example of early morning religion.  He got “up a great while before day, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed”  (Mark 1:35).   This was refreshing to His crowded life.

Later, after His death, Mary Magdalene went at an early hour to the tomb of Jesus (John 20:1).  It is easier to find the break of pressure in the break of dawn.
I know a minister who habitually arises at 4:30 that he may have some time for reading, meditation and prayer before he gets caught up in the daily whirl of things.

Another friend of mine, a business man, arises at 5:30, two hours before going to work, that he may have time to read and think before his world starts turning so fast.

One mistake most people make is getting up too late.  Then when they arise, life becomes a wild, frantic, nerve-wracking comedy (or should we say tragedy?) on how to get to work, or even to services, on time.  One way a hurrying, out-of-breath, restless people could find peace and tranquility is just to get up thirty minutes earlier.  By shortening their sleep they could lengthen their day.”               ~ Leroy Brownlow.

“It’s not about having time.  Its about making time.  If it matters you will make time.”    ~ Unknown

Eileen Light

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