Being creatures of choice, we can raise our children with a book of blank pages, making it up as we go along, or we can use God’s word to guide us. Always remember, we do have a choice.

Voice From the Past

      Last year my younger sister, Susan, passed away after an extended illness complicated by paralysis. In some of her things, Mom recently found an article she had written when her son was born. Just a few days after Mom found it, Susan’s grown son became a daddy for the first time. We printed her article, framed it, and gave it to them. Her words are as relevant today as they were twenty six years ago. Enjoy!

An Owner’s Manual

by Susan Leonard June 23, 1991

It’s been a very long nine months. A mother sits alone in the hospital bed gazing at her newborn child. She sees his innocence, as well as all the love between her and her husband that brought this child into existence. Her heart is overjoyed with many thoughts of how she would spend time with her new family—so many things she should know in order to give this helpless little life all he needs.

Suddenly, a perplexed look crosses her face. She sees two books lying on the table next to her bed. Curiosity getting the better of her, she reaches for one of them.

Like most new mothers, her first thought and hope was that the book was filled with valuable information about her new baby. Feedings, diaper changes, and maybe there would be a whole chapter giving details on “How to Handle the Terrible Twos,” and another about the threes and for each year to follow. It would have fully descriptive guidelines for turning this innocent, precious being into a responsible adult, one with good morals, one who will honor his father and mother and one that is nurtured with all his needs—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

But to her dismay, all the mother saw in front of her were blank pages. Frustrated with the thought that there really wasn’t a “How to” or “Should I” book to guide her through all the rough times, she reaches for the other book in hopes of finding answers there.

As she looks at the book and its vast supply of information, she realizes that this book truly was an owner’s manual. It gives her everything for which she had hoped. You see, this book is not filled with empty pages. It is the Holy Scripture.

The Bible can guide her in every aspect of her child’s life using simple two-way communication. By reading God’s word daily and talking with God in prayer, she has the best “owner’s manual” available.

Being creatures of choice, we can raise our children with a book of blank pages, making it up as we go along, or we can use God’s word to guide us. Always remember, we do have a choice.

Today’s Verse: My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed (Psalm 139:15-16a).

by Teresa Hampton

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