Bible Class 101

It dawned on me the other morning while surrounded by six children dressed in their Sunday best that the major lessons of life can be learned in a children’s Bible class:

Be nice and mean it.

Pray for bullies (even if you don’t want to).

Clean up your messes the best you can.

Always have your Bible close.

Sometimes life stinks, hurts, and isn’t fair but God will always love you no matter what.

Visitors are friends we haven’t met yet. Make them feel welcome.

Be thankful to God for your family and friends but especially thank him for Jesus.

After the lesson and while the kids were coloring, I thought of Ms. Hilda, Ms. Alice, and Ms. Louise. I had several Bible class teachers when I was a child but these are the ones that come to mind when I think of that little church building in Western KY. These made an impression and they’re the ones I draw encouragement from every time I walk into my own Bible class.

I’ve been fortunate enough to teach ladies Bible classes but I would always rather be in a classroom full of children. Seeing what a child can understand always amazes me. Their innocent faith and pure love for others is a lesson for all of us ( Luke 16:18).

You’d be surprised by the questions they ask on topics such as forgiveness, salvation, and even grace.

Children have a fervent desire to know about Jesus.

We don’t have to travel the world to be a missionary.

All we have to do is sit down with some rambunctious kids and teach the Word of God. It can be stressful. It can be downright exhausting, but when you see a child learn the love of Christ it will be overwhelmingly satisfying.

I challenge you; get involved in a Bible class. You have no idea how encouraging it will be and you’ll be surprised at how much you will learn.

by Paula Harrington

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