BIBLICAL HOMES: “A Wonderful World”

The last day or so much needed rain has fallen on our area.  A respite from the severe heat we have had for the last two or so months.  As the saying goes, “one never misses the water until the well runs dry.”  The farmers and ranchers did not have their customary first cutting of hay in June.  There may have been a few, but not many.  July came and went without rainfall and now  we have received precious moisture from God.  With all of our technology, we cannot make it rain, nor the sun to shine, nor the moon to rise, the stars to shine, grass to grow, flowers to bloom, leaves to change color, and eyes to see all of this beauty.  These innumerable blessings God gives us every day, but we sometimes give no notice of them for we are used to having these blessings every day.

I noticed the fig tree this morning after the blessed rain.  It promises to have even more figs this year, and the  branches of the pecan trees are laden with pecans this year.  The rain will surely help them produce a meaty pecan just in time for Thanksgiving.  The persimmon trees last year had little fruit, but this year the trees are laden with abundant fruit.  Not many like persimmons, but these are delicious, especially after the first frost.  During the fall God paints a glorious picture of sunsets, leaves of a variety of color, and when the beauty of the leaves has faded, produces a soft falling of the leaves for our enjoyment as well.  The sound of geese will soon be heard as they make their annual flight south to the rice fields in south Texas.   All of these things were set in order by our Creator for us to enjoy.  He surely loves us and gives us all of this beauty, though we do not offer Him as much thanks for these blessings as we should.

“Psalms lauds God for the wonders of this world He has given. Light is our benefaction, and the heavens stretch out like a canopy.

We have seas of water and stretches of dry land with permanent boundaries because the water that once stood above the mountains fled at rhe rebuke of God.

The springs that run from the hills remind us of a hidden source of water ready for our tapping.

The growing grass for cattle and thriving herbs for man are provisions of God.  And the trees flourish in beauty and usefulness.

The moon adds beauty and efficacy of our world, and the sun rises and sets with dependability.

The seas are filled with innumerable things and perhaps contain benefits that we have not yet appropriated.

So inviting and productive is the earth that man goes forth unto his work and labors in hope.

“O Lord, how manifold are thy works!  in wisdom hast Thou made them all:  the earth is full of Thy riches.”   Psalms 104:24

Our world is too necessary to be ungrateful for it and too wonderful to misuse it.  As tenants, may we be good stewards.”     ~ Leroy Brownlow

“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently?  And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt;  and perhaps it says, “Go to sleep darlings, till the summer comes again.”     ~  Lewis Carroll

Eileen Light

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