I hesitated writing about this subject for the second time this month, but it bears repeating.  In this article I am going to state the problems I see as succinctly and with all candor as I can.  We know modesty when we see it and conversely, we know immodesty when we see it.  So we need to stop making excuses, being politically correct and see things for what they truly are.

Yesterday.  Two incidents.   The first:   I went for lunch at a favorite cafeteria.  Across the room sat two women and a gentleman.  The elderly couple must have been the woman’s parents.  Nevertheless, when the woman, I assume the daughter, got up to help her father from his chair, she literally had to bend sideways to keep from showing her “unmentionables” to everyone.  She had on what should have been worn with slacks or a skirt.  The woman had on a knit dress, a bit too tight, and it was much too short to be worn as a dress.  It appeared from what I saw, to be no less than 5 inches above the knee.  She kept tugging on the dress to pull it down, and she too knew it was much to short, and I wondered then, why she got up, put the dress on, and believed she was presentable to the public.

Ladies, you cannot cover up with a too short dress or skirt.  There is only so much material in a garment you purchase.  It is indecent to appear in public anywhere with such an outfit and draw attention to yourself, and not the kind of attention any woman, much less a Christian would desire.  Though others may not say anything to you about your attire, when we dress like the world, it shows a lack of seriousness of God’s Word and what He approves.  You can dress most attractively and still be modest.

While I am at this, I would like to mention hair color.  Ladies, I do not know where the fad came from, nor do I care.  Hair dyed purple, green, blue, lavender and other colors of the rainbow spectrum is just as bad, and some who can’t decide on a color, go with all of the colors of the rainbow.  It is unbecoming and silly,  It shows a lack of sober mindedness which our Lord desires.  How can anyone of the world take you in all seriousness as a Christian woman, when you look like an Easter egg,  My Little Pony, or a smurf?   Seriously, are you ready to teach others the Gospel when you look like this?

“Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.”     I Timothy 3:11

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children . . . ”    Titus 2:4

Second Incident:   Scrolling through the news feed on social media, a picture pops up.  A man and wife off to teach the Gospel.  Really?  His wife had on a knit shirt cut far too low, and showing cleavage, and it’s not the first time.  Men.  Make sure your wife has her chest covered before taking a picture.  Many out there view these pictures and as Christians, no matter where we go, social media included, we are to present ourselves to the world in a decorum befitting Christians.  And just as surprising are those who “liked” the picture.  People whose posts I read daily.  “Liking” an immodest picture as though you couldn’t see how the woman was dressed and then placed your approval on the attire.  Others watch.  Me included, and now I can no longer read your posts without thinking of the “like” on the photo and take you seriously.  It’s branded in my mind.

I’m saying in a public way what others are too afraid to say, but it needs to be repeated.  Watch your dress, speech, your associates, and your posts.  Others are watching whether in public or social media.  They may not say anything to you,  but how you conduct yourself is vital.  Or, perhaps you overlooked the photo or photos.  Regardless.  Be mindful of whether He would put a “like” on the attire.  Makes you think doesn’t it?

“Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in all holy conduct and Godliness.”      II Peter 3:11

“Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain:  but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.”     Proverbs 31:30

“Modesty is more than a fashion statement.  It’s a daily decision to dress like the child of God you are . . . ”    ~ Unknown

Eileen Light

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