For those of us who find ourselves on airplanes from time to time we can all envision travelers who attempt to navigate their way down the narrow isle of a plane trying to manage too much baggage for the space allowed.  As one who prefers the isle seat, I can testify to the buffeting one receives in the path of someone carrying baggage not intended to make a journey down such a small corridor.  Also involved, are those delayed from their finding the comfort of a seat.  Instead, they  must wait and often assist those attempting to unload very large and heavy bags in the overhead bins. Those who sit below sometimes hold our breath hoping that what is being lifted will not land on our heads!   And then of course there is the strain and discomfort of the one attempting all of this.  The amazing part for me is that this all happens on an airline that does not charge for luggage and has a very good record for bags arriving with their passengers! I hear the silent mantra of most of us on the plane saying to this traveler: “WHY DON’T YOU JUST CHECK THAT BAGGAGE AT THE GATE AND MAKE LIFE EASIER FOR ALL OF US, ESPECIALLY YOU!”

In our spiritual life we can learn something from this traveler.  Many times we will hear brethren communicate that they are walking the road of salvation with “a lot of baggage!”  I always marvel at this statement.  Surely Jesus died for us to be free of the wearisome loads of past sin and abuses.  Surely the Holy Spirit is more than able to renew, rebuild, and recreate within us a mindset that will truly set us free from our loads of care.  Jesus said; “Come to Me all you who labor and are heaven laden, and I will give you rest. Take MY yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”   What is Jesus asking us to do?  Let’s think on this for a bit.

In our Christian journey we can either carry the yoke of past sins and sufferings or we can carry the yoke of Christ.  Since the Bible is clear that we cannot serve two masters (Luke 16:13) we need to decide which voice we will follow, which yoke we will carry.  The affairs of the flesh, are material.  They are connected with carnal man and the inclinations of selfishness and pride.  On the other hand, the affairs of the spirit  are connected to the eternal God and the unselfish love of our Savior.  Jesus is teaching us that we will not be at peace nor effective in our walk with Him, and service for Him, if we continue to lug our carnal baggage on our journey.  Instead He is offering a better way.

A yoke is a device used to join two together as they move forward doing a specific task.  Jesus used this illustration to point out a number of spiritual truths.  His yoke is one that will provide intimate learning and a deep relationship with Him.  Unlike the baggage of the world, this yoke is easy because it is being shared with the all-powerful Son of God and is perfectly designed by our Heavenly Father for the narrow way we must go.  As we walk WITH the Savior each day he shares all the rough ground we are sure to encounter.  We will continuously observe His loving care and His strength to carry the load with us. As a result, our faith, our trust, and our victories will bring hope to our hearts which produces rest for our souls.  We can make it all the way and do the tasks we are called to do in this life!

Question, are you carrying excess baggage on your journey with Jesus?  Are you refusing to check it at the gate of the kingdom because you are so attached to its contents that you are fearful of leaving it in the hands of another?  Is your life defined by what has been, or by what is, today?  Remember, you are not the only traveler affected by your insistence to  walking the narrow way with broad way stuff.  Eventually you will become too tired to manage it all yourself and cease from traveling anywhere!  To encourage us as one who certainly had “baggage” in his life  the Apostle Paul  wrote: “…but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”  (Philippians 3:13-14).

Will you lay that excess baggage at the feet of Jesus today my sisters?  Will you allow Him to set you free?  Will you take the yoke of our Savior and walk with Him.  His yoke will never lead you astray.  His yoke will take you into the kind of labor and life that will bless you and bring you “..the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, (and) will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7).  You can do it!  Check your baggage at the gate!

Lovingly submitted by Laura Dayton

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