Christianity is the best life in the world!

I spoke to my friend tonight about life . . . life in general.  He is very concerned about a friend of his.   He believes he is depressed.  I thought about that for a moment, and how sad that was to hear.  I do know the man.  He is married, and from the looks of all that is outside, you would think he had nothing to be depressed about. The man will not go anywhere with my friend to visit, or have a meal with him.  He sits in his house, with no interest in life.  Depression seems to have taken hold of him.  It is difficult for me to watch another that is not a Christian suffer so, when all they have to do is reach out….I pray he reaches out to my friend for help, and then I can either help teach he and his wife the Truth, or point him in the right direction to get spiritual help.  The problem is, he believes he is religiously right, and that always is a hurdle to get past, and along with that, an uncertainty of where he will spend eternity. I seem to find that in so many, and really had not focused on that until now.

I am so glad my friend is a Christian, and it is not that Christians have no problems, heartaches, cares or troubles in this world, but they are able to handle those trials as long as they are faithful children of His.  One of the greatest blessings a child of God is given when he is obedient to Him is the avenue of prayer.  Our Lord knows our struggles, sorrows, cares and trials of this life, for He went through the same and yet without sin.  He is our Mediator and there is not one thing that concerns us that the faithful child of God cannot take to Him in prayer.

“Likewise the Spirit also, helpeth our infirmities:  for we know not what we should pray for as we ought:  but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.”     Romans 8:26-28

“For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers:  but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.”    I Peter 3:12

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”      Hebrews 4:16

“Be careful for nothing;  but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”    Philippians 4:6

There was a time when my friend never had a prayer before his meal.  That has changed.  Christianity changes lives, and it has changed him.  When I met him, he was lost literally and spiritually.  Just going through the motions in life.  While writing this, it occurred to me the amazing transformation his life has had.  Where once emptiness was, he now has hope, where prayer was not available, he now pours his heart out to his Father.  For me, watching his life is not unlike watching a flower bud, and slowly, in the process of time, bloom into a fragrant life.  Is that not amazing what becoming a New Testament Christian can do for a person?

I have been very blessed to watch him grow in Christ over the past two years.  Christianity when applied, changes lives, and for the better. It does not remove every obstacle, but the obstacles help us grow in Him, to have faith in Him, to trust in Him, and just as a child falls many times before they walk, their muscles are strengthened, and then they walk.  Christianity is not unlike that.  We have to strengthen our spiritual muscles, so to speak.  He is with us, understands us, and helps us along our journey from this life into the next.  What comfort, what peace we have in Him.

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”     Philippians 4:7

Christianity is the best life in the world!

“Everybody’s scared to death, when they decide to take that step, out into the water.  It will be alright.  Life is so much more than what your eyes are seeing.  You will find your way, if you keep believing.  I’ve seen dreams that move the mountains.  Hope that doesn’t ever end.  Even when the sky is falling  Silent prayers get answered.  Broken hearts become brand new.  That’s what faith can do!”

“That’s What Faith Can Do”     Lyrics by Kutless

Eileen Light

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