Dressed In BRAVE

1 Samuel 17:47 NKJV “Then all the assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with the sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.”

Before I had children, (or BC as I call it), I took pride in my looks. But when I found myself with a toddler on each hip, my world was turned upside down. I looked in the mirror and wondered who that disheveled woman was. Stretchy pants became my best friend and my make-up bag remained buried so deeply behind the diaper rash ointment that my mascara hardened like concrete.

A few years later and following the arrival of baby number three, I reluctantly signed up to help with my son’s class party. I stood in my closet searching anything worth wearing in public and settled on a loose dress because it covered a multitude of baby-bearing bumps! A colorful scarf completed my ensemble.

The morning of the party, I set my alarm early for the rare privilege of showering before noon and arrived at breakfast in fashion. I immediately felt my son’s critiquing eyes upon me. He soon wrinkled up his little nose and declared, “Mom, you can’t wear that to my school. It makes you look old!”

Let me make it perfectly clear that at no time did I strive to give off the “old” vibe. But, I suppose, you are what you wear. Perhaps I should have chosen to dress in “brave.” Brave says, “I’ve got this!” “I can conquer whatever lies ahead!” “I do not fear what you say!”

In 1 Samuel 17, young David stood before Goliath dressed in “brave.”  David was small, insignificant, unknown, and surrounded by an army of cowards. His opponent was big, strong, legendary, and surrounded by a powerful army. It was David’s weapon filling him with bravery, but not the weapon he held in his hand. His strength came from the weapon found in his heart. And so, on that day, Almighty God, David’s powerful weapon, brought down an entire nation with one small stone!

David was not worried about how strong and big Goliath was because David knew how strong and big his God was! David was clothed in the memory of the many ways God had sustained his people in past battles. And David was clothed in the certainty of God’s promises for the future.

When we find ourselves in battles of the workplace, in family fights, or self-doubt assaults, we can wear bravery as we recall the many ways that same mighty God has sustained our past. Peace can surround us as we lean on the certainty of God’s promises for our future. So friend, take heart and hold to the battle plan of David. Remember. . .  Israel’s army thought Goliath too big to fight. But with the power of a mighty God, David trusted Goliath was too big to miss.

Father God, today may we be clothed in You.

Blessings of Bravery,

Rita Cochrane

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