Entertaining Without Offending Your Soul

A friend of mine has entered the world of published authors!  Kelli Hughett has written Red Zone, a romantic suspense novel that will be released next month.  Kelli is a preacher’s wife and home school mom who lives in the charming town of Windsor, CO.  Since inspirational suspense is my favorite genre, you can imagine my excitement over participating in Kelli’s launch team.  Her book arrived in my inbox yesterday and I look forward to reading it during some flights this weekend. On her blog, Kelli writes, “I hope you’ll find my books entertaining without offending your soul.”

Entertaining without offending your soul.  What a great objective!  I’m going to keep those words in mind.  I’m going to share them with my sons.  The Bible warns us that there are activities which “war against the soul” (1 Pet. 2:11).  Whether the entertainment comes in the form of reading books, watching movies, playing video games, laughing at YouTube videos, or listening to music, we need to make sure what we’re taking in doesn’t offend the holiness we have put on (Col. 3:1-17).

“…In speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe” (1 Tim. 4:12).

Prayer for today:  Thank you, Lord, for Kelli’s example of how we can use our talents to promote Your desire for righteousness.

Kathy Pollard

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