For everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven:”

Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven:”

It’s autumn in the United States. Everyone appreciates this glorious season for its riotous colors, unique scents, and gently declining temperatures. Pumpkins and vegetables are ready for harvest. The trees are shedding their leaves in preparation for a time of rest, of renewal. Winter is on its way.

But what if I want apples in January?

We have a tendency to honor the harvest season higher than the rest. We see no value in other seasons because there is no fruit. We would like lives that bear fruit all year long!

What’s so wrong with that?

God created the rhythm of the seasons as necessary patterns for healthy growth. The highest yields are seen from trees that experience the benefit of all four seasons.

Take a look at your life. What season is it? Is it childbearing/raising season? Is it young love season? Is it empty nest season? Is it care for an aging loved one season?

Whatever season you find yourself in I would like to remind you of two things:

  • Seasons are created for growth and they always change.
      1. God uses seasons to grow good fruit. If you want to grow more in love with Christ, embrace the season of life that surrounds you. If you want to grow spiritually, look around you and appreciate the opportunity that comes from that specific season.
      2. I hate the phrase, “This too shall pass.” It expresses zero compassion, but in general it’s true. Nothing stays the same, but God. And that’s a great comfort! We may love spring, but it can’t stay around forever, or we’d never have fruit. No matter your feelings on a season, it can’t and won’t last forever. Change is coming.
  • There is something to savor about the season you’re in today.
    1. When we spend all our time longing for another season, we fail to see the beauties of the one right in front of our eyes. Find something to savor about the season you’re in today. Write it down.

Stop longing for apples in January.

I made this mistake when I was a young mother. Instead of savoring the gifts of the season, I longed for the “apples” of accomplishment in my life, my ministry, and my career. I saw apples on other women’s trees and longed for them, even though it was January in my own life. I lost focus on the beautiful season around me, longing for one that’s coming later! I finally realized that I am given one season to nurture and raise my children. This season will never return. I can run after accolades, ministries, and goals later—in a different season.

Whatever season you find yourself in today, remember: For everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven:”

Kelli Hughett

Eph. 5:16 – “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”

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