Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

******This will be the last post till 9/2******
Joy. This is a powerful tool in the arsenal of faith. Our joy is continuously under attack because the devil fears joy. He fears joy because it empowers us. It is strength.

Ready to embark on a mission to rebuild their ruined city, Nehemiah said to the people, “Go and celebrate with a feast of rich foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared. This is a sacred day before our Lord. Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the LORD is your strength!” (Neh. 8:10).

Nehemiah said this to a formerly exiled people. He said this to a people who just made a brutal trek across the desert to rebuild and restore Jerusalem. When they arrived at the city of rubble, they were not met with cheers or gratitude. They were met with mocking and threats of attack.

Nehemiah says, “GO PARTY! Be happy! The joy of the Lord is your strength!”
This isn’t a joy of circumstances. This isn’t a joy of health and wealth. This joy of the Lord is deeply rooted in the child of God. This is a joy that says no matter what I face, I can do it with a confident, sustaining hope that lets me laugh in the trial and smile in my tears.

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy” Jm. 1:2

Just ten days after my son died, our daughter was turning two. I didn’t feel like party planning. I didn’t feel like singing happy birthday. I didn’t even feel like leaving the house. But I made a defining choice that day. We were going to celebrate. We were going to take hold of the joy for the life that is here. We were going to sing, eat cake and unwrap presents.

That day I drew a line in the sand. The joy of the Lord will be my strength. The joy of Lord saved my life. The joy of Lord is a fruit of the Spirit of a living God who rescued my son from death and promises to do the same for me and you.

Serena DeGarmo

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