Fully Surrender

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (NKJV)

If you have not yet committed these verses to memory, stop what you are doing and get to it. The words promise to be life changing. They are more versatile than duct tape as they hold together all that is important in our lives, bind God’s peace upon us, and secure our future with our Heavenly Father. So, allow me to welcome you to Proverbs 3:5-6; my go-to scripture and destination that never disappoints.

Precious peace can be found here in God’s promise to direct our path. However, before we rush out to cash in on that peace, we must take notice of our responsibility to this promise. Scripture calls us to trust Him with all our hearts and acknowledge the greatness of His understanding. And without fear, we lean upon His strength and wisdom as we walk the path He lays before us.

Consider for a moment the implications of the word “lean.” Trust me when I say not every structure is lean-worthy. Think about it, leaning requires placing all our weight upon another object while at such a precarious angle, toppling over is possible. It requires completely trusting in the strength of the support and fully surrendering control. (Please tell me I’m not the only one who learned this the hard way with a painful fall to the ground!)

Common sense demands we lean only upon a strong support. So, where do we find one? Well, my go-to scripture tells us to look to God. We can fully surrender everything to Him without fear of falling. God will bear the weight of our all our problems and never let us down. We can lean upon His strength through our crises, our uncertainties, our stresses, and our health concerns, trusting Him to hold us securely in His care as He lovingly directs our path.

So friend, when weariness consumes you, wave the white flag of surrender and fully lean upon the Lord. He will never let you fall.

Father God, we praise you for being our strong support. May we fully surrender to You.


Rita Cochrane

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