How happy and secure are you?

How blessed is every one of the Lord’s loyal followers, each one who keeps his commands. You will eat what you worked so hard to grow. You will be blessed and secure. Psalm 128.1-2

Following God provides happiness and security. Some people search their whole lives for these attributes and never find them. However, they look for them in the wrong things: wealth, health, knowledge. The Psalmist gives us the key to obtaining these attributes in our lives.

Happiness and security come from following the Lord. Not following him as we choose, but as he has commanded. That is the key! So often, our attitude toward God is half-hearted. We should not be surprised that we are not happy nor do we feel secure.

God knows that we are human and that we will slip on occasion, but his grace provides for that through the blood of Jesus. When we slip, it is so important to repent and keep walking. We have to be faithful to him, loving him with our whole being and obeying him in everything.

How happy and secure are you?

by Vicki Matheny

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