How to deal with situations according to truth

Do not lie to one another since you have put off the old man with its practices and have been clothed with the new man that is being renewed in knowledge according to the image of the one who created it. Colossians 3.9,10

Earlier in chapter 3, Paul had listed sins that the Christians were to remove from their lives. Interesting that in this verse, he specifies not to lie to one another. As a Christian I must strive to change my ways from sinful deeds to righteous ones. That includes my tongue. James 3.1-6 warns us about the power of the tongue. It is capable of great good as well as extreme damage. In one of my jobs in the past, I met a young woman who had lied so much that she no longer knew what the truth was. She would contradict herself repeatedly during any conversation. To avoid conflict, many times we will tell a little white lie. What I need to remember is that in God’s eyes, no lie is little. It is a lie, a sin. What if someone you know is doing something that is sinful? Do you have the courage to speak up and stand for the truth or do you tell yourself that it is none of your business? As a Christian, I must change from the old way of life. For some of us, that is more difficult. But as a new man I have that ability. I am renewed in knowledge. I learn how to deal with situations according to truth. Jesus gives me that capacity. I am renewed according to his image. He makes it possible.

Vicki Matheny


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