Those Pesky Thorns
Matthew 13: 22 “The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the Word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the Word, making it unfruitful.”
Follow this hypothetical scenario:
You intend to send an encouraging email to a missionary family as soon as you get yourself an afternoon cup of coffee. Realizing your favorite coffee mug is dirty, you open the dishwasher to retrieve it. There in the dishwasher sits a load of clean dishes. So, you unload the dishwasher and head to the laundry room to place the wet dish-towel in the hamper, intending then to write the encouraging email. But while in the laundry room, you notice the dirty-clothes hamper overflowing and decide to quickly toss a load of clothes in to wash. Opening the washing machine, you discover it filled with clean, wet clothes needing to be transferred to the dryer. Opening the dryer door, you discover dry clothes waiting to be folded. While unloading the dryer, you attempt to smooth out the wrinkles with your hands and you heat the iron for the one shirt that defies your hand-smoothing technique. Heading to hang up the shirt lest it wrinkle again, you realize it is past time to prepare dinner. Perusing the fridge for anything remotely edible, you spy your laptop patiently waiting for you to return. Many small, temporary tasks have been completed but missionary encouragement remains unsent.
Is this a hypothetical situation or your reality? The intentions of our hearts can be righteous and eternity-focused, but the realities of our day so often trump them.
Prioritizing our daily tasks presents us with an ongoing dilemma. But, Jesus, due to relinquishing his throne and taking on humanity, was aware of the struggles of prioritizing each day. In his Matthew 13 parable, a sower went out to plant seed. The seed scattered in the wind, and unfortunately, some fell among thorns. As the seedlings took root and began to grow, so did the thorns. Those pesky thorns choked out the seedlings, leaving behind nothing but thorns.
Granted, I am a city girl who never hoed a row. But, I can tell you I have never met a thorn farmer nor run across a profitable use for thorns. So, it comes as no surprise to me, the thorns are used negatively in this parable. They represent things that choke out our opportunities for making an eternal difference in someone’s life. The thorns represent our material possessions that we allow to define us and consume our time and energy. The thorns represent the immediate needs of life that demand our attention: care for the house, manicure the yard, manage the family schedule, adhere to the budget, etc., etc., etc. However, there is no denying the significance of these earthly tasks. So gratefully, Matthew 6:33 offers insights on how to prioritize them.
“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
When we begin our day with Bible study and prayer, when Christian fellowship and worship become priorities, when we tell the love of Jesus, and seek opportunities to heal wounds, we can be assured that life’s temporary needs will follow. So, empty the dishwasher, fold the clothes, and clean the toilets, and do so joyfully knowing these temporary and earthly chores are a necessary part of life on earth. But pray we never allow the temporary tasks of life to choke out those of eternal impact as we seek FIRST God’s Kingdom.
Father God, grant us efficiency in handling our day’s temporary and demanding tasks so that we can fulfill opportunities that make eternal differences.
Blessings of eternal choices,
Rita Cochrane