I told you so

How many of us have ever heard the expression “I told you so?” …and said this at a time when it was least needed? The statement may be true, but should you really make the statement to one that already knows that they had a lack of good judgment in the situation?

I’m not talking about allowing error in God’s Word to go unchecked and corrected to one that knows not the Gospel. I’m speaking of people that make errors in judgment regarding everyday mishaps that occur in our lives.

The other day during the flood, I heard an acquaintance say that the people in Corsicana were not wise in traveling under the overpass and flooded their cars. They told me if they had been there, they would have told them “I told you so. Now look what you have done.” That may be true. ….. but in all fairness, would you want someone to say that to you if you were in the same situation? …and if you don’t know the circumstances, would you want one to say that? I wouldn’t. Most people already know that they made an error in judgment, and really do not need that pointed out to them. This may be one of those occasions in which silence is the best. They are already stressed, so why mention it? …and they may be embarrassed at their poor judgment, but since the error is made, and cannot be undone,
most try to make the best of a bad situation. Bad things just happen some times, and they happen to us all. Hopefully we learn from the experience.

“For I have learned by experience.” Genesis 30:27

Placing a more charitable face on situations such as this helps the other, and doesn’t make them feel as though they have no judgment at all. Most people do, they just reacted to a situation in which they did not anticipate the consequences of their decision.

“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another: …”
Romans 12:10

We all make mistakes, and most learn from their error, and regret the decision they made, and caused themselves, and perhaps others, trouble, but remember we too make mistakes in judgment.

“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” Matthew 7:12

“Always end the day with a prayer. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow is a fresh opportunity to make it better.”

Eileen Light

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