“If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments.”

This is a sensitive subject to address, but we need the lesson.  When we have debts, let us be faithful in paying them.  We have all heard others say at one time or another, companies, stores, and yes, even friends and relatives, have plenty of money, and there is no need to hurry in paying a debt owed them.  This is a poor attitude and one which God does not look favorably upon.  When we promise others to pay what we have purchased, let us not discharge the debt, but be prompt in making payments.  If there is a problem, face it and make arrangements to pay.  Most companies and stores are willing to work with their customers to help satisfy debt.  The same applies to relatives and friends.

“The wicked borroweth and payeth not again:  but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth.”      Psalms 37:21

“The only man who sticks closer to you in adversity than a friend is a creditor.”       ~ Unknown

My friend, shortly after having retired as manager of a major grocery store, decided to go into the business of baling hay.  He told me it was the worst mistake of his life.  Many would hire him, he would work from sun up to sun down in the heat of the summer, but he would often not get paid.  He told me when he sold his baler, it was the happiest day of his life.  So many did not realize the overhead associated with such a venture, not to mention weather related problems, and having to go to some of his customers for payment.  It was all too much for him to handle.

“If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments.”      ~ Wilson

“Your ship won’t come in except the Straits of Economy.  You can increase your wealth by decreasing your wants.  You can raise your wages by lowering your expenses.  You can have more by wasting less.  What you make is not as important as how you handle it.

This requires efficiency, planning and the maturity to stick with the plans.  Economy does not mean no spending – it means wise spending.  Frugality takes the view that a thing not needed is too high at any price.  And there are so many things we don’t need!”     ~ Leroy Brownlow

“When thou vowest unto God, defer not to pay it; for He hath no pleasure in fools:  pay that which thou has vowed.  Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay.”      Ecclesiastes 5:4-5

Nations get into debt as well, and should honor debts they owe.  No one wants to be thought of as a deadbeat or a debtor nation.

“Recompense no man evil for evil.  Provide things honest in the sight of all men.”     Romans 12:17

“I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a larger scale.”       ~ Thomas Jefferson

“Render therefore to all their dues:  tribute to whom tribute is due:  custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.  Owe no man anything, but to love one another:  for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.”      Roman 13:7-8.

“Withhold not good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.  Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, and come again and tomorrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee.”       Proverbs 3:27-28

“The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.”      Proverbs 22:7

“Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob him:  the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning.”     Leviticus 19:13

“It has been said, ‘We get what we pay for.’  Now let’s be sure we pay for it.  However, the debt riders say, ‘Oh, don’t worry, the creditor can’t take it with him anyway.’  Neither can the payless debtor, but he still has an obligation to pay his bills.

One of the deepest principles of religion is the honesty that is seen in the payment of debts.  It won’t do a person any good to go to church and sit in the amen corner if his unpaid bills are stacked so high he can’t see God.  Though the debtor never pays, he never fails to make excuses, but excuses don’t settle defaults.  When payments are due, God speed us on time.  Another thing – he who pays can always borrow.”                          ~ Leroy Brownlow

Eileen Light


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