I’ll be the bad guy, I’ll take the black eye

There are times in which we have disagreements with our fellow Christians, co-workers, friends or family.  I have seen disagreements over seemingly minor matters, that without resolution, the disagreement would eventually evolve into a more serious matter.  The next step usually involved name calling, hate, gossip, backbiting and all manner of evil, which is why strife is warned against in Scripture.  It takes two to make peace, but it also takes two to make war, two to attack, and counter attack.  I have taught this Biblical principle to children, for they are not exempt.  Strife knows no age, person, marriage, state, or nation, and it does not take much to gain momentum, and can evolve easily into rage, alienating all of the above. Communication is Biblical and essential.

A song expresses strife rather well:

“I’ll be the bad guy, I’ll take the black eye.  When I walk out, you can slam the door.  I’ll be the bad one, if that’s what you need from me.  So you don’t have to love me any more.  When you and our friends talk, make it all my fault.  Tell’em I’m rotten to the core.  I’ll let it all slide, get’em all on your side.  So you don’t have to love me anymore.”

“He that passeth by, and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears.”     Proverbs 26:17

“Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out:  so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth.”
Proverbs 26:20

“My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace.  I am for peace:  but when I speak, they are for war.”   Psalms 120:6-7

“A froward man soweth strife:  and a whisperer separateth chief friends.”   Proverbs 16:28

“Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.”
Proverbs 17:1

“Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood:  so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife.”  Proverbs 30:33

Peace learns to tolerate faults, and to give a little, the triumph of principles, and the unselfish quest for what is right.

“Follow peace with all men.”   Hebrews 12:14

A final thought regarding “strife” between brethren.  “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.”      Romans 12:18

….but with some, peace may not be possible, just make sure you are the one that strives for peace without compromising Truth in the process.

“I saw this happen:  One brother in the church fell out with another for no reason.  There was nothing the second brother could do to change the feelings of the first one.  Though he refused to retaliate, the perpetrator continued to fight and smear him behind his back  Only one could make war.  But only one could not make peace.  That required two.  How sorry a thing is war.  But peace can never rule the day, unless peace rules the hearts of both.”            ~ Leroy Brownlow

“Who ever keeps an open ear for tattlers, will be sure to hear the trumpet of contention;  aspersion is the babbler’s trade, to listen is to lend him aid, and rush into dissension.”         ~ William Cowper

Eileen Light

2 thoughts on “I’ll be the bad guy, I’ll take the black eye

  1. Not being in harmony with one another causes so much trouble for those involved but also for those around them. It is never just “between me and you” because there is always an affect towards others. Phil. 4:2-3 Paul told the brethren to help those women to get back to be in harmony in the Lord. Sometimes we need a little help. And sometimes leaven needs to be thrown out. But only through active love and effort will the right wars be fought and won.

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