It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wron

Mark Twain once said there are three daily reminders we all should have.  I believe he’s right.

“Have the courage to say no.”

How many times during the day are we faced with situations in which we should say no?  An invitation to a party after work, when we know the party will involve things a Christian should not be involved with, and with people we know we should not associate.  We all have these kinds of invitations or temptations in which we are asked to either participate in gossip, drinking, illegal drug use, and a host of many other things.  In each case our answer should be an emphatic no.  The best way to handle these invitations is to immediately say no.  Do not become involved with the recreation of the world.

“The two great words of antiquity are behold and beware.  Behold the possibilities and beware the temptations.”

“Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”   Ephesians 5:11

“Have the courage to face the truth.”

Facing the truth is probably the most difficult for people to do.  Be it the truth of the gospel or truths about ourselves.  We tend to make excuses for our harsh behavior towards others, cutting in line in traffic, cutting in line at the grocery store, impatience in any line, harsh words with the clerk, the repairman, and then lie to ourselves about how the behavior was alright.  After all, they had it coming.  Deep down we know the truth about ourselves and we knew the behavior was was displeasing to God; pride prevents us from facing the truth.  Pride is probably the most darling sin of them all for Satan used it first on Eve in the Garden of Eden.  We all know what happened to she and her husband.

“Buy the truth and sell it not; also wisdom and instruction, and understanding.”    Proverbs 23:23

“These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto Him:  A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”     Proverbs 6:16-19

“Have the courage to do the right thing because it is right.”

We must have the courage to do those things which are right, just because it is the right thing to do.  I asked my Bible study class about this Sunday.  I asked them, “What is righteousness?”  After a little pondering on their part, they told me it is “doing right.”  They were correct.  We must do what’s right every time for it is the right thing to do and pleases our Father.  It’s not always easy, for most want to take the line of least resistance.

“The art of courage makes mountain-top men and women out of ordinary individuals.  It is an essential ingredient in persons of outstanding achievement.

In the words of Sydney Smith, “A great deal of talent is lost for want of a little courage.”

The art of courage causes some men and women to keep on trying where others have failed, rise above failure, and accomplish mighty deeds.

“Courage is the human virtue that counts most,” wrote Robert Frost.  It makes individuals venture into the unknown.  It stretches their horizons.  It enlarges their visions.  Courage magnifies their capabilities.

The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.

Persons of courage rise to the challenge, dare to try the untried and carry on in spite of defeat because they know it is only a temporary setback.

Persons of courage take over where others stop and they go on to win the important battles in sport, education, science, business and life.”    ~ Words of Champions

“The real things haven’t changed.  It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong.”       ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

Eileen Light


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