Think back in your past to a time when you needed a support system. Was it at a death, an illness, a job loss, family problem? Who was there for you? Was it a family member, minister, church member, or someone else?

We can all relate to the need for support at various times in our lives. We understand the importance of someone to just listen, or even take charge and make sure things get done.

Because our Lord was human, I’m sure there were times when He needed a support system. He often went off to be alone in prayer, to spend time with God and know the comfort of His Heavenly Father.

But what about His human support system? Do you realize that Jesus had no human support system? Over and over Scripture tells us of His compassion for others, and how that often led Him to heal or raise someone from the dead. Yet, when He was lonely or in need of support, He could only depend on God the Father.

I am not saying that God’s support was not enough. We have that too, but it is so comforting to also have some human support in times of difficulty.

Though Jesus had twelve disciples, hand chosen by the Master, they were not there for Him. Their concern was for who would sit on His right and left hand in the kingdom. They were concerned about their own safety, fearing to go with Him lest they be labeled as one of His and be arrested or killed. They ran when He was arrested. Judas betrayed Him, and Peter swore he didn’t know Him.

His closest friends, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were not there for Him either. Mary and Martha complained that He didn’t arrive in time to save their brother. Later, they were probably in hiding since the Jews wanted to kill Lazarus after Jesus raised him from the dead.

The Jews were His people. Where were they? They were out in front crying “Crucify Him, crucify Him.” He didn’t bring about the changes they thought He would, so they killed Him.

Nicodemus and Joseph showed up after the fact. They were Pharisees. They were probably afraid of losing their place among the rulers, so they stayed away until someone needed to remove the body of Jesus from the cross. Yes, they used their own money. Yes, Joseph used his own tomb. But they were not there when He was dying for their sins.

Even the system failed Him. The rulers did not conduct His trial according to the law. They hired false witnesses for the trial and even paid the soldiers to lie about His body being stolen.

And where were all those whom Jesus healed, fed, and raised from the dead? They were surely aware of what was happening. They may have even been in the crowd crying, “Crucify Him, crucify Him.”

No matter. Jesus had a support system. Jesus took Peter, James, and John to the mountain with Him; and there He was changed before their eyes. God sent Moses and Elijah. They knew some of what He was experiencing. They understood people of God deserting Him. Rulers attacking Him. People lying about Him. They understood His sorrow, His loneliness, His feeling of abandonment. Above all, He had God the Father. He knew this would soon be over, and He would be back with the Father.

We look to our friends and family for support when we are sick, lonely, distressed, in trouble, in the depths of despair. Often they fail to deliver. But there is one that never fails us—God the Father. Our prayers reach Him no matter the hour of the day. He is always there. He was the support system for Jesus, and He is our support system today.

Sandra Oliver

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