Let every person be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath

In addition to today’s post, we are also offering a “Deeper Insights” post by Beth Johnson in this pdf file.

The often overused, cliché quote “God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason” holds some serious meaning that anyone who wants to be a Christian who truly puts themselves before others would do well to remember. James 1:19 tells us, “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (NKJV). Becoming an eager listener takes time and effort but as we are reminded in the verse above, it is a character trait that we must learn to possess. By listening, we are telling the person that we respect and love them enough to put we have to say on hold and be fully attentive to what they are wanting to tell us. How can we ever learn anything if we do not listen?

As a matter of fact, listening is so important that without it, great destruction can come, nations can fall, wars can begin, and relationships can be ruined. In Numbers 15: 32-36, we are reminded just how truly important listening is. God made it very clear that doing any kind of physical labor on the Sabbath was prohibited, as it was Old Testament times. We see the man who was caught picking sticks on the Sabbath and God punished him by having the people stone him to death. This man chose not to listen to God and because of that, he suffered the ultimate consequence- death.

When a friend is talking to us about something, are we listening to what they have to say or are we too busy focusing on what we are going to say next or making sure we get that text message sent? When God tells us to do or not to do something in his Word, are we listening or do we choose to ignore it like the man did in Numbers chapter 15? When we listen, that produces good communication. When good communication is produced, that produces strong relationships. When strong relationships are produced, that makes for a healthy and happy overall life in general because we have a strong support system. Just think, all of this stems from the simple act of listening.

Actively listening to people when they speak to us is crucial for healthy, strong relationships that thrive and grow into something amazing. Most importantly however, actively listening to what God tells us in his word is crucial for a healthy, strong spiritual life that will bring us home to an eternity more incredible than we could ever imagine. Are we listening?

Sarah Allen

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