Living an Exclamation-Mark Life!

Psalm 9:11 “Sing praises to the LORD, who sits enthroned in Zion! Tell among the peoples His deeds! (ESV)

In my new role as Director of Women’s Ministry, the enormity of meeting the needs of all demographics of women perplexed me. Then, an absurd idea came to mind: Perhaps I should write a weekly devotional. So, I purchased a laptop, downloaded a thesaurus app, and began my quest to produce one devotional every week.

It turned out to be anything but easy, so when I received an invitation to join a writer’s lunch group, I jumped at the opportunity.

These writers were older and more accomplished, and I found their suggestions quite helpful. In response, I shortened each devotional, avoided repetitive word usage, and attempted to adhere to the “ly” rule by refraining from placing a word ending in “ly” at the beginning of a sentence. (Honestly, I never understood the “ly” rule as evidenced by this very sentence!)

It was also brought to my attention the abundance of exclamation marks in my work. I had never considered it, but after contemplation, concluded my reasons for using them was valid. The stories of which I write are far more exclamation-mark worthy than fiction! How could the greatest stories from the greatest book about the greatest person who ever lived be written void of exclamation marks?

Wasn’t it a mighty God who parted the roaring seas, gave sight to the blind, and brought dry bones to life? Such miraculous stories absolutely require an exclamation mark!

Writing of the immense love of our Savior literally defies human words and requires emotion! We ourselves are recipients of the love shown through the crucifixion story! How can that not bear an exclamation mark?

The recounting of God’s providence and protection over us takes our breath away. His power and forethought in our lives require an abundance of exclamation marks!

Writing of the many ways God calms our fears, hears our prayers, and guides our paths would be incomplete without exclamation marks!

So, I took creative license and concluded; Rules are made to be broken. Sisters, there is no way I will tell you of my glorious God and loving Savior without an exclamation mark or two!!

Father God, thank you for offering us a life filled with reasons to celebrate!


Rita Cochrane

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