Recently I read this expression in an article in our local paper. It made me think about how that expression applies to our spiritual life.

Just reading through Hebrews 11 we can see many examples of how this phrase affected the lives of so many in scripture.

Noah is a perfect first example of looking out of another window. He began his water journey in a boat loaded with animals. He had the care of these animals and the responsibility of supporting and encouraging his family. His faith carried him through the long days and nights with nothing in sight but water.

Noah had to get a new perspective on this journey. He had to be patient and let God do what He had promised to do.

Noah opened the window and sent first a raven and then a dove, neither of which found a place to rest. After another seven days, Noah sent out another dove. This time it returned with an olive leaf in its mouth, showing that the waters had gone down. After another seven days he sent out the dove, but the dove did not return.

The journey was over, and Noah exited the ark with all the animals and his family. He built an altar and worshiped God.

Sara, wife of Abraham, mother of Isaac, received strength to open another window. She had laughed at the angels that visited her and Abraham. She had given up hope that she would ever conceive because she was old. But God opened that window for her and gave her the child she so desperately wanted.

Moses, too, had to open another window. He had to run for his life from the presence of the Egyptians only to be sent back to deliver the children of God from slavery.

He fought many different enemies during his travels, from enemies without the camp and disobedient Israelites inside the camp. Each time, Moses had to open another window and look for the strength to continue toward the Promise Land.

You can follow the rest of the list and see how each one had to “open another window” and look beyond the problems they faced to serve God. Some even had to open more than one window!

So, how does this apply to us today? The passage that immediately comes to mind is found in Philippians 3:13-14. Paul is speaking, and in the beginning of the chapter he talks about how he had persecuted Christians.

Paul had the opportunity to open another window. Just as Noah, Sara, Moses, and all the others mentioned in Hebrews 11, Paul had to see that there was a new opportunity for him. He said, “Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (ESV).

Just like Paul, we have to put behind us those things that have hindered us and maybe even corrupted us for a time. We need to “press on”, open another window and take advantage of another opportunity to serve God, live righteously, and be the person God intended us to be.

Peter, the apostle, did this. After denying that he even knew the Lord, he went on to be a preacher, teacher, and healer. He ultimately lost his life for the cause of Christ, but he died knowing that he had used every opportunity to serve the Lord.

So, how do we open another window? We do it by a study of the scriptures and through prayer. It isn’t magic. There are no miracles to open windows for us. We open our own windows by taking advantage of every opportunity to learn, to teach, and to serve.

May God bless us in our efforts.

Sandra Oliver



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