Mrs. Katy…Could You Pray?

Tonight I stopped in at the hospital to see Mrs. Katy. She’s exactly my age, suffering from cancer and currently undergoing daily radiation treatments on her head. She’s having a tough go of it. Mrs. Katy has only been a Christian for about a year, but she has been a faithful digger.  Two weeks ago, she was at our Digging Deep study and she was hoping that night that her new t-shirt would have arrived. We picked up those shirts the next day…the day Mrs. Katy went to the hospital again. I delivered that pretty pink GLORY shirt to the hospital about a week ago. It’s still laying there on the table beside her chair where I laid it after she held it up to her and exclaimed how much she loved it. I hope she gets to wear that shirt!

Will you pray for her today? I’m so thankful she found the Lord, the church, the hope and the comfort that’s giving her peace right now. I’m praying for her two collegiate sons (the entirety of her  connected family, so far as I know). We’ve asked them both to study with us, so pray that they will decide to do that. Sometimes, it’s the valleys of desperation in which the gospel is most visible and appealing to those whose lives are missing it. If you’d like to send Mrs. Katy a card, you can address it to “Mrs. Katy”, ℅ West Huntsville church of Christ, 1519 Old Monrovia Rd. NW, Huntsville, AL 35806. While you are at it, please pray for Mrs. A, too…another soul who is getting closer to the truth each day.

I know there are many who find themselves and loved ones in spots of extreme difficulty and that Mrs. Katy is not exceptional in that regard. So, I am taking a moment as I write to pray for this digging family and those to whom we are trying to minister in many places. Two years ago, at this time of year, I was spending massive amounts of time in that same hospital in which I visited Mrs. Katy today. I was with my father, who was soon to be leaving this life with the angels. I’m so thankful for those angels each time I visit that ward of the hospital (Luke 16:22).

Who gets to claim angels as traveling partners in the most significant journey of life?! And, yes. It IS a journey of LIFE. Mrs. Katy may have lots of life on earth left before the journey to the infinitely better life. I hope, for all the human reasons, so. But, for all of us, lots of life before that journey is only a passing vapor (James 4:14).

Keep Digging!

Cindy Colley

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