I love music.  I really do.  But the other day as I was searching for new music from various artists, I came across a favorite artist, but  have since placed her on the trash heap of more trashy music, and will no longer be listening to her. The new song is not worthy of being listened to by anyone, much less a Christian woman.  We need be careful of  the  media and all its influences.  Trashy lyrics now cross all genres.  You may find a song which is an influence for good, but they are now few, very few, and far between.

In this particular song, country, she addresses her boyfriend.  In essence she is speaking in a mocking tone of a virtuous woman.  A woman God highly prizes.  She may not be of great value to the average worldly man, but she is highly esteemed, and of great value in His eyes.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”     Isaiah 55:9

“Who can find a virtuous woman?  for her price is far above rubies.”      Proverbs 31:10

This particular song, after having read the lyrics, has an expletive embedded, which is not unlike so much of the music now.  Coupled with it, she is making fun of a virtuous young woman who values those virtues which God values.  She praises the worldly woman, and influences the listener that being virtuous is such a bore.  She tells the worldly man in the song,  he too should seek her, (the worldly woman), and not the virtuous young woman.  After all, a virtuous woman is just too boring to date.

Homemaking and all it entails is considered boring.  She calls the girl next door a “virgin Mary metaphor, cardboard cutout on the wall,” and he should really be chasing after the worldly woman.  After all she is much more fun.  ……at least for a while.  She continues in the song by telling him to “go next door, go right now, don’t look back, don’t turn around, and don’t call her when he gets bored” and on it goes with sexual innuendo in the lyrics that follow.  One of the last lyrics in the song says, “The thing that turns you on is what you wanna change.  But you have a better chance of slowing down a train.”  In other words, she wants the young man to follow after worldly lusts, give in to the ways of the world, and give up that which is pure, virtuous and of great value to Him.

The musical artist should have cut to the chase and told the man to choose Satan over God, for in essence, it is exactly what she was saying.

A musical artist should, (SHOULD) take their responsibility as a writer seriously, and consider the audience whom they are influencing, but where the dollar is a measure of success, there are no levels they will not stoop to become rich.

The song made me angry, for in my heart, not only is the artist a participant in evil, but the producers of the music as well as radio, TV, and all media will hype the song and make it the more popular.

I have noticed this troubling trend for a while, and it appears it will not stop.  As long as the listener will buy the song on i-Tunes, or CD, the more of this garbage they will produce, and make no mistake, the people behind these artists know exactly what they are doing.  I am fully convinced their acceptance/and promoting of  sexual promiscuity, the devaluation of morals is intended and no mistake.  “Be not deceived. . . .  .”     Galatians 6:7

“Don’t tell me where your priorities are.  Show me where you spend your money, and I’ll tell you what they are.”      ~ Unknown

“But what is liberty without wisdom and without virtue?  It is the greatest of all possible evils;  for it is folly, vice, and madness, without tuition or restraint.  Those who know what virtuous liberty is, cannot bear to see it disgraced by incapable heads, on account of their having high sounding words in their mouths.”     ~ Edmund Burke

Eileen Light

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