When I wrote my article last week, I had no idea that I would be blessed in such a wonderful way the coming week. It happened on Friday night before New Year’s at, of all places, Cracker Barrel.

My husband and I were seated in the back dining room next to a family of four—husband, wife, and two little girls. I noticed dad had a large green “Santa-like” bag beside him, under the table. It had a gingerbread man on it and peppermint candies made from felt. The bag looked like it had something in it, but I thought nothing of it.

The waitress took the family’s order, and then she came to our table to ask if we were using the puzzle. I told her we were not, and she took it to the little girls. The mother thanked me; and I reply, “You’re welcome”. I noticed some activity from the girls looking in the green bag. They pulled out some gift bags and set them on the table. A few minutes later, the two little girls brought gift bags to our table and wished us a merry Christmas. Inside the two gift bags were little wooden plaques, one with a Christmas tree and the word “Peace” on it. The other one said, “Enjoy Every Moment”.

I thought this was just a little “thank you” for giving them the puzzle, but it was far more than that. A few minutes later, the oldest little girl walked over to a table behind her with a gift for a young boy. She also took gifts to children at another table. She was very quiet and humble about her gift-giving, and she sat down to eat her meal.

I noticed the girls ate their food quietly, not picking at one another as children do. They acted like well-behaved young ladies.

When we were ready to leave, I handed the mother a piece of paper with this website on it. I told her that if she would read the article on this day, she would find an article written about her girls. She smiled and said “thank you”, and we headed for the check-out.

While my husband was paying, I felt someone behind me. When I turned around, the mother was standing behind me. She asked me if she could tell me the backstory to the gifts. Of course, I wanted to hear! She explained through tears that about three years ago, her oldest daughter told her she did not want presents for Christmas. She wanted to give presents. So, she works all year making key rings and doing other things to earn money to give gifts at Christmas. Her goal is to give 1,000 gifts. Her mother was sick with the flu during Christmas, so they had to delay her distribution of gifts. Buckee’s had always allowed them to hand out gifts, but they refused this year. So, she had to find another way to give away all the gifts she had collected during the year.

I thanked Mom for telling me her story and left the restaurant feeling a great sense of joy and peace because of two little girls who care more about others than themselves.

So, Mom, if you are reading this, know that your girls have blessed my life in a very special way. And for the rest of you, know that there are still parents out there in this wicked world that love their children and family more than worldly goods and possessions. There are still people who believe in serving rather than being served. They understand it is not “all about me”; but like the good Samaritan, it’s all about someone else.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Sandra Oliver

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