Noah Movie

Literally every belief known to man teaches an account of the flood. Even the Hindu religion tells how “Lord Krishna lapped up the waters.” Can this be coincidence? There is much scientific evidence for the flood, and all you have to do to become a believer is note rock formations and layers along the highways as you drive.

Note the introduction to the trailer has this sentence: The Biblical Noah suffers visions of an apocalyptic deluge and takes measures to protect his family from the coming flood.

I am no doubter that the movie will be intended to destroy our faith in the Genesis account (5:29-10:32). The humanists are taking our children and now they want to destroy every last believer!

House-to-House has put out a picture called “Noah by Numbers.”  Maybe we should keep this little chart handy as we are studying the Genesis account along with our children?

For a related post by Beth John see “the wonderful works of God.”

Beth Johnson, owner and author of:  Daughters of Sarah; Muliebral Studies; Muliebral Viewpoint; Articles and Books by Beth Johnson

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