On the Outside Looking In

She has always been on the outside looking in,
A little girl who wants so much to have a friend.
She doesn’t always know what to do or say
But her heart is true in every way.

Born a poor girl of humble means
She often survived on potatoes and beans.
Her family moved to the city when she was eight
She never could fit in it was too late.

She wasn’t taught the graces that city girls know
But she learned to use a rake and a hoe.
For gracious ways and kind words to say
Are not what country girls learn each day.

Is there not one kind,  loving friend
Who will take this little child in
And teach her all that she needs to know
Forgive her backwards ways and show her how to grow?

Will she remain for all her days
On that porch looking in as other seems to say
We don’t want you can’t you see
Your just not good enough with us to be.

One day she found that special friend
And he gentle whispered “please come in”.
He was the loving savior of all men
Who saw the little girl who was on the outside looking in.

By June Smith

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