Ruth, a woman of inspiration

Ruth is one of the most inspiring women of the Bible. She endured great tragedy and in the end came up victorious and honored. She did not bear the grandfather of Israel’s greatest king by going back home and giving in to peer pressure. Nor did she end up victorious by sitting all alone wishing things were different. Ruth was victorious because she gave her life fully to God, and in turn God gave her more than she had hoped.

When Naomi decided to leave the land of Moab and return home to the land of Israel, she begged her daughter-in-laws to leave her and return home to their parents. Ruth’s sister-in-law, Orpah, acquiesced and returned home. Ruth did not. Naomi believed she had nothing to give her precious daughters. By returning to their parent’s house, Ruth and Orpah would at least have a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs – something that Naomi could not even promise to provide. Ruth recognized something else though. Ruth knew that Naomi worshipped the one true God. By going with Naomi, she pledged her life to not only her mother-in-law, but to her God as well, the only true and living God.

How often do we put our physical needs above our spiritual needs? We make decisions that leave out God and please ourselves. “Baseball would be such a good activity for my son. Too bad his games are on Sunday mornings.” “I really wish I had time to teach more Bible classes, but my weekly schedule just leaves me too worn out!” So often our desires for ease and pleasure come before the command to serve and worship God. Ruth chose the spiritual fulfillment of worshipping and serving Yahweh instead of the assurance of food and shelter.  Would we do the same? Or have we forgotten the promise that Christ made in Matthew 6:31, “Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘what shall we eat?’ or ‘what shall we drink?’ Or ‘what shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things and you heavenly father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi and to God did not end by just following Naomi. When she reached the land of Israel, Ruth went to work. By her hard work and dedication to Naomi’s life, she willingly gave Naomi her portion of food. She worked in the hot fields to bring home wheat and grains. She risked her own pride by laying at the feet of Boaz so that he might redeem her. Ruth did not wait for someone to help her. Ruth did not wallow in regret and sadness. Ruth had a purpose set in heart to take care of Naomi and serve God. By doing so she earned the respect of Boaz and eventually his heart. Ruth’s life would never have changed had she simply waited for death beside Naomi. Instead she had a goal and worked hard to achieve that goal.

We too have a goal. It is to serve the Father in all that we do. Our purpose in life is to use the talents that God gave us to serve Him in a way that pleases Him. When our service to the Father is our most important task, then our lives will be rewarded in Heaven someday, just as Ruth was rewarded here on Earth. We begin by first choosing this day to serve the Lord in all that we do.

–Christa Bryant

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