Sisters may our hearts crave to know God’s real story every single time we open His Word.

Matthew 13:14  “You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.”

Jesus of Nazareth spent his ministry surrounded by people eager to hear His every word. Surely, there were times Jesus retold parables. Perhaps some could even quote the punch lines, but did they comprehend His message? Did they draw correct conclusions?

My friend, Beth, was looking for a new job and quite discouraged. Eventually, she accepted a wonderful position with an inner-city elementary school. Not long afterwards, Beth stopped by the house and recounted the craziest incident that had taken place at her new school.

Apparently, a totally unclothed man with mental health issues broke into the school and streaked through the hallways. Immediately, all classrooms were put on lock-down while police arrived and arrested him. Local camera crews arrived as the man was handcuffed. My daughter and I listened in total shock to Beth’s drama.

The following day, my sister stopped by for a visit, and my daughter, in her most dramatic rendition, retold Beth’s unbelievable new-job story, including all the crazy parts of the streaker, the lock-down, the police, and the lead story on the news. Her aunt listened intently with the same expression of shock on her face as did we when we first heard it. My daughter dramatically ended the story, awaiting her reaction.

Soon, an unexpected reply came from her aunt. “Did Beth get a job?”

My daughter stood stunned by this unforeseen response. “Is that what you got from my story? Did you miss the part about the streaker, the lock-down, the arrest, and the news coverage?”

Surely there were many times Jesus felt my daughter’s frustration. Certainly, He wanted to say to his audience, “Is that what you got from my parable?” for His listeners could not hear with their ears nor see with their eyes. Their hearts toward truth were calloused and hardened (Matthew 13:15). And, Jesus knew a heart refusing to comprehend and accept God’s Word is the choice of the listener.

Are we hearing God’s Word with a heart eager to soak up instruction, know His love, and understand His calling? Do we have the desire of the Psalmist who prayed, “Open my eyes so that I can see all the wonderful things in your teachings?” (Psalm 119:18) Or, have we chosen a hard and calloused heart, making no attempt to experience God’s saving grace? Sisters may our hearts crave to know God’s real story every single time we open His Word.

Father God, help us come to fully know your will with a heart that soaks up the true meaning of your Word.


Rita Cochrane

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