Practical Applications of This Great Book.
1. Let brotherly love continue. (v. 1)
2. Forget not to entertain strangers. (v. 2)
3. Remember those in bonds. (v. 3)
4. Remember the suffering. (v. 3)
5. Be without covetousness. (v. 5)
6. Be content in life. (v. 5)
7. Remember your rulers. (v. 7)
8. Be not moved away from sound doctrine. (v. 9)
9. Follow Christ’s example. (v. 13)
10. Offer sacrifice of praise. (v. 15)
11. Forget not to do good. (v. 16)
12. Forget not to fellowship (communicate). (v. 16)
13. Obey and submit to your rulers. (v. 17)
14. Pray for your brethren. (v. 18)
15. Listen to the brief word of exhortation
(this letter to Hebrews). (v. 22).
16. Salute your rulers. (v. 24)
Conclusion: Christ is better than Moses. Grace is better than law.
The Point: Be faithful; don’t fall away; stay with Jesus; be in church regularly; and make disciples.

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