Tag Archive | 1 Corinthians 1:25

God has some simple truths in His word. Simple and beautiful.

I am a simple woman, raised by plain folks, married to an uncomplicated guy.

My Mom and Dad made it clear that they loved us immensely, but did not have the means to lavish upon us the toys that our neighbors had.

Every day I was sent outside to use God’s creation as my toy box, and what a place to play!

If a child is without Nintendos and iPads, or in my case, without many toys besides the wooden blocks my Daddy made out of two-by-four lumber; they tend to appreciate nature.

The legacy we give our children to enjoy simple things is absolutely invaluable, and for that I thank my parents, now long gone.

This upbringing may be why I draw in my breath with delight upon finding a new flower with unusual coloration, or marvel with amazement at the intricate markings on the throat of a foxglove floret.

I involuntarily reach a finger out to touch the soft “beard” on an iris, as I study in amazement the vibrant color contrasts of its veins and ruffles.

The complexity of plants astounds me. It is amazing the way the Jack in the Pulpit shows its gently curved flower underneath the canopy of leaves, for instance.

The longer I examine a plant, the more awe-struck I am at the inherent artistry. So why would a commonplace patch of daisies catch my attention on a warm Spring day?

The clump at the corner of my herb bed is not a fancy variety; it is a common daisy that was dug up at the side of the road about a decade ago.

It caught my attention because it is so simple and unassuming, and yet the artistry is still there. It is as if God is displaying the ultimate minimalist natural art.

We live in a wonderful world where technology has allowed us to live a light-speed existence in high definition, with surround sound. Our senses are bombarded by truly amazing inventions.

It is time we stop and consider how much complexity we really need. Like a daisy that is relegated to the roadside ditches, we don’t put much value on the simplest things.

A cup of coffee with my husband as the birds serenade us with love songs.

My son’s hearty laugh.

My daughter and I facing one another on the couch, our feet sharing the same fuzzy blanket as she tells me of that trip she will take.

A card from my son, with a drawing of roses in a vase made out of a fish.

My eldest, now a Mommy herself, recalling my cakes.

Simple moments, but memorable. These are the things that are treasured in a mother’s heart. Even Mary had a treasure box (Luke 2:19).

While a daisy may represent simplicity in my eyes, the fact is that it is, like us, “wonderfully made.” It is a member of the family “Compositae,” or composite flowers.

The yellow centers are really a collection of flowers themselves, arranged in a double spiral pattern that represents a complex mathematical principle. Look closely at one and you can see the pattern, but the mathematical explanation will blow your mind! Did you know most daisies have 34, 55 or 89 petals?

Okay, enough of advanced mathematics and Fibonacci Numbers. God’s ways are above our ways. His thoughts are much more complex than our thoughts.

“Because the foolishness of God is wiser
than men, and the weakness of God is
stronger than men” (1 Corinthians 1:25

God has some simple truths in His word. Simple and beautiful.

by Christine Berglund @ www.forthright.net