Tag Archive | 1 Peter 2:22

Being Christlike requires every part of us, our hands, feet, heart, ears, mouth, and eyes to be devoted to Him, every waking hour of every day. All of our being then takes on the attitude, demeanor, and likeness of Jesus. When people observe these changes, they will be drawn to know more about our Lord!

Our Hands, Feet, Heart, Ears, Mouth and Eyes

Our Lord’s desire was that we be like Him in every thought, word, and action. We must be Christlike. Being Christlike involves all of our being, so we should periodically ask ourselves these questions:

Do we have Jesus’ hands? He touched the blind man’s eyes and restored his sight (Mark 8:21-23). When he saw the widow of Nain following her dead son, he had compassion on her, touched the open coffin, and raised the young man to life (Luke 7:12-15).

Do we have Jesus’ feet, going where he bids us go? (Matthew 28:19-20). Jesus told the apostles that He needed to go through Samaria (John 4:4). Why? Jews always skirted around Samaria. They didn’t engage in conversation with Samaritans, and certainly not with women, whether Jew or Gentile. But going through Samaria enabled him to introduce himself to the Samaritan woman, who in turn, brought a host of people to see and hear this man who might be the Christ (4:4-30).

Do we have Jesus’ heart? He was filled with compassion for the ill, the grieving, and the sinner (Matt. 9:35-36). His heart was filled with concern for those who sentenced Him and put him to death, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do” (Luke 23:34).

Do we have Jesus’ ears? He listened to everything his Father said to him (John 12:49-50), and he did everything he told him to do (John 15:15, 17:7-8). He listened patiently to people’s questions, like Nicodemus. (John 3).

Do we have Jesus’ mouth? He used his mouth to teach the masses, but also saw the value of teaching only one (Matt. 14:13-21, John 4). He used his mouth to talk to his Father. He often withdrew to pray. And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray (Matthew 14:23).

Do we have Jesus’ eyes? He saw opportunities to save the lost. Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! (John 4:35b). Do we see lost souls all around us? Jesus also saw potential in his chosen twelve—while people saw Peter, James and John as unlearned fishermen, Jesus saw them as ones who would become towers of spiritual strength in his new church.

Being Christlike requires every part of us, our hands, feet, heart, ears, mouth, and eyes to be devoted to Him, every waking hour of every day.  All of our being then takes on the attitude, demeanor, and likeness of Jesus. When people observe these changes, they will be drawn to know more about our Lord!

Today’s Verse: For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps (1 Peter 2:22).

By Teresa Hampton

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