Tag Archive | answered prayer from God

God has allowed us to witness the dead ends and detours of many of his children

Dead Ends and Detours

I recently drove to South Florida and decided to drive
down beautiful A1A instead of taking the Interstate.
As we made our way to the east coast from Orlando, we
trusted the GPS to get us to the highway.

The longer we drove, the more desolate the landscape
became. Where we had been seeing beautiful palm trees
and homes we now were passing rows of fencing and
fields of bushes.

The GPS showed that we were on the correct route to
A1A. However, we began to have our doubts.

Finally, we came to a gate. A man in military garb
stood in front with a look that made me a bit nervous.
After I informed him of our travel plans, he kindly
explained that we were on restricted NASA property.

Our route had come to a dead end and a major detour.

There are times in our lives when we think we may be on
the right path, nevertheless that road can turn out to
be a dead end. It can be surprising, frustrating or
absolutely life-shattering.

God has allowed us to witness the dead ends and detours
of many of his children.

Joseph’s dead end was in a jail cell (Genesis 39:20).
His detour led to second in command of Egypt (Genesis

The Israelites’ escape came to a halting finish beside
a beautiful sea. Their detour involved a powerful
miracle and a deliverance they never could’ve imagined
(Exodus 14:21).

The disciples at Calvary faced an end so shocking and
heartbreaking it left them confused and terrified. But
God offered a new beginning that would change the
course of history and offer salvation to the world
(Matthew 26 -28, Mark 15-16, Luke 22-24, John 18-21).

God can take your failures and broken hearts and turn
them into joy and successes, so don’t allow yourself to
get stuck at a dead end. Turn to Christ and hold on to
your faith. Your darkest night may be the beginning of
your greatest adventure.

“You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you
have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness”
(Psalm 30:11, ESV).

by Paula Harrington